Colt Exploration Co., Inc. can immediately provide a team of professionals who are experienced in all phases of oil, gas, and land work. We are an Attorney-managed organization, which gives us additional expertise in assessing important legal issues for a project and in solving title issues as well as producing the proper transactional and curative documents to get the job done correctly and cost-effectively. We are positioned to help your company promptly and accurately identify and negotiate leases with current mineral owners and clear title for drilling purposes on projects throughout the continental United States. And in this market of ever-changing consolidations, mergers and growth opportunities, we really shine at running acquisition and producing property due diligence.
Colt’s performance is based on our team’s vast experience, strong work ethic, and a drive to be the best in the industry. Our commitment to our client base is unparalleled, making Colt uniquely qualified to provide project management with out-of-the-box solutions that are successful even in the most challenging of undertakings.
Colt is keenly focused on land acquisition and prospect development in the surface-sensitive, highly competitive urban and rural extension/expansion trends of U.S. onshore unconventional shale plays.